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Sociomix – Where Thoughts Become ConversationsSociomix is global platform to discover, share, and connect over unique perspectives, diverse content, and engaging discussions with a vibrant community of creators.
Sociomix – Where Thoughts Become ConversationsSociomix is global platform to discover, share, and connect over unique perspectives, diverse content, and engaging discussions with a vibrant community of creators.
Accidents Caused by Children - Can Have Compensation Claims.Accidents caused by children if aged 10 years or over, they can under the law be convicted of a criminal offence in England and Wales.
Affiliation Order a Legal Declaration a Man is Father of a Child.An affiliation order is a legal document which declares that a man is the father of a child which is currently under discussion.
Children Making Legal Decisons About Themselves and Their WelfareFor many years it was often felt children making legal decisons lacked the capacity to make these decisions or provide consent.
Clean Break Order - Agreement for Couple to Manage Division of AssetsCouples who can agree what will happen with property money, it will save time and stress if they make a Clean Break Order
Consent Orders Used When Divorce is Amicable and Agreement ReachedConsent Orders are granted by the court where a couple have reached an agreement in relation to their finances without legal intervention.
Divorce Entitlements wil Depend on a Number of FactorsKnowing your divorce entitlements in terms of assets and possessions is important will make the process as easy and efficient as possible.
Divorce Mediation - Process for Resolving Disputes Between Two PartiesDivorce mediation can be used in many legal situations but is often used in separation cases, usually when a couple have decided to divorce
Divorce Settlements can be Challenging, Complex and Expensive LegallyDivorce settlements can be challenging, complex and lengthy and expensive from a legal standpoint, if couple cannot reach a mutual agreement
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